Special Thanks to Our Partners

We’re Very Happy to Work With Many Strong Partners Supporting Our Mission to Empower German Startups to Scale Globally

Illustration Hand Shaking

German Accelerator is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) – it is their belief that investing in startups is directly investing in innovation, job creation, and economic growth. 

National Partners – Startup Initiatives by BMWK

Logo Deloitte Digital
Logo salesforce
Logo salesforce

Our Strategic Partner

Logo salesforce

Our Business Partners

Logo Dentons
Logo morrison Foerster

Our Network Partners

Logo BioM
Logo bitkom
Logo Bundesverband Deutsche Startups
Logo bvmed
Logo KIT-Gründerschmiede
Logo CyberForum
Logo Denkfabrik Digital
Logo Deutschland startet
Logo Digital Hub
Logo eit Health
Logo Entrepreneurship Hub
Logo Flying Health
Logo Future Sax
Logo Gründermagnet
Logo Gründermagnet
Logo Health Capital
Logo High-Tech Gründerfons
Logo infineon
IZB Logo
Logo Innovative Medizin NRW
Logo invest in bavaria
Logo Mass Medic
Logo Medical Valley
logo munich network
Logo oav
Logo Peppermint Venture Partners
Logo Saxeed
Logo Sibb
Logo Smart System Hub
Logo Startplatz
Logo Technologiepark Heidelberg
Logo The Hundert
Logo Unternehmertum
Logo wayra
Logo wellington partners
Logo Wirtschaftsförderung Brandenburg

Our Benefit Partners

We have partnered with 70+ companies to offer our startups and alumni a great benefits package of credits towards tools and services worth over $1,000,000.
Logo Airtable
logo amazon web services
Logo Brex
Logo bubble
Logo common
Logo Crosby
Logo DocSend
Logo Embold
Logo First Republic
Logo fiverr
Logo Founder Shield
Logo Foundersuite
Logo freshworks
Logo Furnished Quarters
Globalization Partners Logo
Logo Google Cloud Platform
Logo HubSpot
Hypemachine Logo
Logo inDinero
Logo Justworks
Logo Lawpilots
Logo Leapsome
Logo meister
Logo localyze
Logo Microsoft for Startups
Logo mongoDB
Logo Mu Videoagentur
Logo MyPostcard
Logo paloalto
Logo Phrase
Logo salesforce
Logo SalesViewer
Logo Sleek
Logo stripe
Logo Talaera
Logo TriNet
Logo twilio
Logo wework
Logo Zendesk